Shoulder Impingement (EXPLAINED!)

😭 In 2008 I had bad shoulder impingement and crappy posture.

18 years of sitting, studying, and computer games had finally wrecked me.

This shoulder impingement (and "quasi-modo"/hunchback posture) led to neck and shoulder pain.

It was so bad I couldn't even do basic gym movements. Movements like bench press, overhead press, or overhead squats.

One day (after yet another shoulder impingement injury) my strength and conditioning mentor got fed up. 

With a scowl he growled at me: 

😠  " have got to do something about your frickin' posture!"

This was the kick-in-the-butt I needed to start doing something.

I became obsessed with posture and flexibility.

I spent the next several years (2008-2015) and thousands of dollars learning how to fix my issues.

🚀 By 2015 I had transformed my posture and shoulder health.

I also learned 3 very important lessons that are missing from 90% of physical therapy, posture, and flexibility programs. I started teaching these lessons to over 20,000 students around the world. 

👌 In today's 6:20 video, I summarize the most powerful lessons: 

  • The 3 most important factors in shoulder impingement
  • How posture influences your shoulder impingement & pain
  • How acromion type (TYPE I, II, II) affects your shoulders
  • Nerdy stuff like "plane of scaption", external rotation torque, etc
  • What exercises to do and what exercises to avoid

And finally, I show you how to (permanently) fix shoulder pain! 

Enjoy the video! 😃




About The Author

Shane Dowd, CES, CMP is the owner / founder of He is also a sports performance & mobility coach specializing in injury prevention and flexibility for athletes.



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