How to Opt-In To Taking Care of Your Own Wellbeing w/Shane Dowd | The Jay Campbell Podcast

 By  Shane Dowd, CES, CMP

😃 I recently did a video interview on the Jay Campbell Podcast...

This interview was VERY different than any other podcast I've ever been on...

Jay got me talking about things I've never really shared anywhere else, (including my spiritual and personal development journey.)

The host, Jay Campbell, is the author of several books and has been featured in big-time places like ABC, NBC, and ESPN radio.

👉 Here's what Jay had to say about this interview:

 For years, people have dealt with injuries and other ailments by going to a specialist and having them take care of it on our behalf.

 Many of us are tired of ‘opting out’ of our wellbeing. How can we empower ourselves to take care of our own health?

 We’re lucky to live in a time where we don’t have to outsource all our needs anymore. With the right education, we can learn how to become more in tune with ourselves.

 Aside from reclaiming power over our bodies, what are the benefits of becoming more self-aware?

🤔 What are the first steps we can take towards greater mindfulness? 

In this episode, Founder of, Shane Dowd shares how to regain control of our physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

 ☝️ Three Takeaways - 

  • At some point, everyone experiences an injury or a health setback. By being in touch with how we feel physically and mentally, we’ll be better equipped to handle problems as they arise.
  • Don’t get caught up on finding the ‘right’ way to meditate. What we should be striving for instead is the ability to zone in on our present states.
  • Self-observation gives us the power to recognize patterns in our feelings and behaviors. When we know how we feel when we behave a certain way, we get better at stopping poor decisions.

...and that's just scratching the surface!

 Enjoy this one-of-a-kind video interview! 😃



About The Author

Shane Dowd, CES, CMP is the owner/founder of He is also a sports performance & mobility coach specializing in injury prevention and flexibility for athletes.



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