Fix Your Posture Before It's Too Late (Only 5 Minutes Daily!)

 By  Shane Dowd, CES, CMP

Correcting poor posture is a common concern for many individuals who spend prolonged hours hunched over desks or glued to screens. The good news is that improving your posture and alleviating the negative effects of a hunched or rounded back is possible: I have been there!

By dedicating just 5 minutes each day to the routine we'll discuss, you can make significant progress in correcting your posture and preventing potential complications down the line. So, let's dive into this practical and time-efficient routine that can improve your posture and overall well-being.

Note: If you prefer to watch a video version of this routine, check out our Youtube video above.


Identifying Poor Posture

Before we delve into the routine, let's see if you have poor posture. It's time for a simple self-assessment. Ask someone to take a relaxed picture of you from the front and side. Remember, no cheating by trying to pose perfectly! Here's what you should look for:

  • From the side, ensure a straight line extends from your ear to your shoulder.
  • Your thumbs should be pointed straight forward or nearly so from the front.

If you notice a rounded back, a forward head posture, or hunched shoulders resembling a gorilla, fret not. We have a straightforward daily routine that can address all these issues. 


Correcting Poor Posture: Is That Possible?

Contrary to popular belief, poor posture is not a fixed state that cannot be reversed. With the right approach and consistent effort, you can progress significantly in correcting and improving your posture. It's important to understand that various factors influence posture, including muscle imbalances, sedentary lifestyles, and lack of awareness. By addressing these underlying causes and adopting targeted exercises and habits, you can gradually reshape your posture and experience the benefits of a more aligned and confident body.


The Role of Daily Routine

One key aspect of correcting poor posture is incorporating a daily routine specifically targeting the problem areas. This routine aims to counteract the effects of prolonged sitting, slouching, and other postural habits that contribute to poor alignment. You can gradually massage, stretch & strengthen the muscles that support proper posture, improve spinal alignment, and enhance flexibility by consistently engaging in exercises and stretches.


The 5-Minute Daily Routine

Exercise 1: Thoracic Spine Massage and Mobilization - 1 minute

This exercise involves gentle massage and mobilization techniques targeted at the thoracic spine, the area of your upper back that tends to become stiff and rounded due to poor posture. Applying pressure and performing controlled movements can release tension, increase mobility, and restore proper alignment to your thoracic spine. This exercise helps improve posture by counteracting the forward curvature and promoting a more upright position.

Exercise 2: Thoracic Spine Stretch on Wall - 1 minute

The thoracic spine stretch on the wall is a simple yet effective exercise that targets the muscles and joints of the upper back. Standing with your back against a wall and extending your arms overhead creates a gentle stretch through your thoracic spine. This exercise helps elongate the spine, improve flexibility, and encourage a more upright posture. It also helps counteract the forward slouching position often associated with poor posture.

Exercise 3: Chest Massage (Lax Balls or Hip Stick) - 1 minute

The chest massage exercise utilizes tools such as lax balls or The Hip Stick to release tension and tightness in the chest muscles. By applying controlled pressure to specific points in the chest area, you can alleviate muscle imbalances and tightness contributing to rounded shoulders and poor posture. This exercise promotes better alignment of the shoulders and enhances overall posture.

Exercise 4: Doorway Pec Stretch or Best Damn Pec Stretch Period - 1 minute

The doorway pec stretch exercise targets and stretches the pectoral muscles, promoting improved posture and alignment. It also engages the core muscles, including the abdominals and lower back, for added strength and stability. Incorporating this exercise helps maintain a balanced and aligned posture.

Exercise 5: Neck Stretch - 1 minute

The neck stretch exercise focuses on stretching the neck muscles to promote proper head alignment and alleviate neck strain. By gently retracting the chin and lengthening the back of the neck, you can counteract the forward head position commonly associated with poor posture. Incorporating this exercise helps improve neck alignment and enhances overall posture.


Handy Little Chart for Quick Reference

As promised, we prepared a convenient chart summarizing the 5-minute routine. Save it for easy reference:

Exercise Duration Description

Thoracic Spine Massage and Mobilization

1 minute

Place lacrosse balls on the floor. Lie down with the balls positioned beneath your upper back. Slowly roll up and down, allowing the pressure to massage your thoracic spine. To mobilize the spine, perform gentle twists by bending your knees and rotating them side to side. 

Thoracic Spine Stretch on Wall

1 minute
Stand with your back against a wall, feet hip-width apart. Place your palms against the wall at shoulder height. Slowly slide your arms up the wall while keeping contact with your hands, extending them overhead. Lean into the stretch, feeling a gentle elongation in your thoracic spine. Hold for the duration. 

Chest Massage 

1 minute
Take two lacrosse balls or a hip stick. Position the balls/stick on either side of your chest. Apply pressure to the targeted areas by leaning against a wall or lying on the floor. Roll the balls or move the stick around, focusing on tight spots. Adjust the pressure as needed.

Doorway Pec Stretch

1 minute
Stand in a doorway, placing your forearms on either side of the frame. Step forward with one foot, keeping your elbows at shoulder height. Lean forward slightly, feeling a stretch in the front of your shoulders and chest. Hold the stretch for the duration, maintaining a comfortable position.

Neck Stretch

1 minute
Sit or stand tall with your shoulders relaxed. Tilt your head to one side, bringing your ear closer to your shoulder. Hold for a few seconds, feeling a stretch on the opposite side of your neck. Repeat on the other side. You can also perform a chin tuck by gently touching your chest.


Avoid Prolonged Static Positions

Remember, the key to maintaining good posture throughout the day is NOT by wearing a silly posture brace. It's to avoid staying in one fixed position for too long. While the routine we shared is incredibly helpful, it's essential to incorporate movement and breaks into your daily routine. Set a timer to remind yourself to get up and perform a few exercises at least once per hour. Integrating these simple practices into your day safeguards you against potential postural problems.


Additional Tips for Maintaining Good Posture

In addition to the 5-minute daily routine, here are some tips to help you maintain good posture throughout the day:

  • Sit with the correct chair height (hips above knees)
  • Sit tall and relaxed without a rigid military posture
  • Avoid leaning forward or slouching while sitting.
  • Take regular breaks from prolonged sitting.
  • Strengthen your back and core muscles through targeted exercises.
  • Pay attention to your posture when standing and walking.
  • Ensure your computer screen is at eye level.
  • Keep your feet flat on the floor and parallel to the floor.



By incorporating this 5-minute daily routine and implementing additional tips for maintaining good posture, you can make significant progress in correcting poor posture and preventing potential complications. Remember, consistency is key. Over time, these exercises and habits will help improve your posture, alleviate back pain, and enhance your overall well-being.

If you're looking for more comprehensive guidance and support in fixing your posture, we offer specialized courses and videos designed to address postural issues. For example, our "Desk Posture Therapy" program at is a 45-day program tailored to help you fix your posture for good. With our wealth of experience and numerous testimonies from satisfied clients, you can trust us to provide the resources and guidance you need to achieve lasting postural improvement.

Don't wait until it's too late—start working on your posture today and enjoy the benefits of a confident and aligned body. 


About The Author

Shane Dowd, CES, CMP, is the owner/founder of He is also a sports performance & mobility coach specializing in injury prevention and flexibility for athletes.



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